Where silence begins
2. 3. - 28. 5. 2017
Ábris Gryllus (HU), Péter Tornyai and Krisztián Kertész (HU), Lauren Tortil (FR)
Curators: Eszter Őze, Flóra Gadó
Kde začíná ticho
2. 3. - 28. 5. 2017
Ábris Gryllus (HU), Péter Tornyai and Krisztián Kertész (HU), Lauren Tortil (FR)
Kurátorky: Eszter Őze, Flóra Gadó
The exhibition investigates the different ways of communication and how these modes are changing constantly. The three young artists all come from slightly different backgrounds (fine art, composing and media design) but recently their projects are all related to sound, noise, listening and the notion of silence. What connects them is the interest in sound as a trace or a sign, something which can be collected, organized and then being expanded, amplified again. Their interest lies in the movement of sound and how it connects to the dynamics of our everyday life. From a micro to a macro scale, the exhibition itself is a poetical investigation about the process of listening, communicating and experiments with the borders between sound and silence. Indirectly, migration and mobility becomes an important aspect of the show, with linking together personal, technical, and psychological aspects of movement itself.
Péter Tornyai and Krisztián Kertész’s sound installation investigates the present heritage of Hungarian composer Béla Bartók and his collection of folk songs, Ábris Gryllus presents an experimental audiovisual piece, where he examines the patterns and rhythm of human behavior, while Lauren Tortil’s video explores the history of a parabola in France, which was used in 1962 to capture the first trans-atlantic television signals.
The exhibition investigates the different ways of communication and how these modes are changing constantly. The three young artists all come from slightly different backgrounds (fine art, composing and media design) but recently their projects are all related to sound, noise, listening and the notion of silence. What connects them is the interest in sound as a trace or a sign, something which can be collected, organized and then being expanded, amplified again. Their interest lies in the movement of sound and how it connects to the dynamics of our everyday life. From a micro to a macro scale, the exhibition itself is a poetical investigation about the process of listening, communicating and experiments with the borders between sound and silence. Indirectly, migration and mobility becomes an important aspect of the show, with linking together personal, technical, and psychological aspects of movement itself.
Péter Tornyai and Krisztián Kertész’s sound installation investigates the present heritage of Hungarian composer Béla Bartók and his collection of folk songs, Ábris Gryllus presents an experimental audiovisual piece, where he examines the patterns and rhythm of human behavior, while Lauren Tortil’s video explores the history of a parabola in France, which was used in 1962 to capture the first trans-atlantic television signals.
The realization of the work POST_ by Ábris Gryllus was supported by Let_it_Be art agency and Trafó House.
Lauren Tortil is the winner of the Visual Arts and Residence Commission at the Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris
Výstava zkoumá odlišné způsoby komunikace a jejich neustálou proměnu. Tři mladí umělci pocházejí z trochu odlišných prostředí (výtvarné umění, skladba a mediální design), ovšem v poslední době jejich projekty souvisejí se zvukem, hlukem, poslechem a tématem ticha. Tím, co je spojuje, je jejich zájem o zvuk jakožto stopu či znak, něco, co lze sbírat, organizovat a poté znovu šířit a rozvíjet. Zajímá je pohyb zvuku a to, jak se spojuje s dynamikou našeho každodenního života. Výstava je poetickým zkoumáním procesu poslouchání, komunikování a experimentuje s hranicemi mezi zvukem a tichem, od mikro k makro měřítku. Nepřímo se důležitými aspekty výstavy stává také migrace a mobilita, neboť propojuje osobní, technické a psychologické aspekty samotného pohybu.
Zvuková instalace Pétera Tornyaie a Krisztiána Kertészse zkoumá dědictví maďarského skladatele Bély Bartóka a jeho sbírku lidových písní, Ábris Gryllus představuje experimentální audiovizuální dílo, zkoumající vzorce a rytmy lidského chování a video Lauren Tortil se zabývá historií parabolické antény ve Francii, kde byla v roce 1962 používaná k zachycení prvních transatlantických televizních signálů.
Realizaci díla POST Ábrise Grylluse podpořila agentura Let_it_Be art a Trafó House.
Lauren Tortila obdržel Visual Arts and Residence Commission v Cité Internationale des Arts v Paříži
Reportáž z vernisáže výstavy ZDE: http://www.rozhlas.cz/vysocina/zpravy/_zprava/obrazem-madarske-lidove-pisne-ve-vitrinach-jako-brouci-vystava-v-jihlavske-galerii--1704238

Ábris Gryllus: POST